Monday, July 20, 2009

Sarah's Surgery: All done!

Today was Sarah's skin tag removal surgery at McMaster Children's Hospital in Hamilton. It was a long day filled with lots of waiting, but in the end everything went really smoothly and without a hitch.

We had to spend close to 2 hours in the waiting room before we got to go to the second waiting room for the actual surgery. We were amazed that Sarah was happy the entire time. In fact, she was playing, shrugging her shoulders, clapping and smiling right up until the point where all the doctors had to put on their masks. At least that's what David and the volunteer said. David went in with her while she was being put out, that was not for me. So glad that he's the stronger one in these kinds of situations.
The last time that she was able to eat solids was before midnight (so 5:30 for her). She had her last milk bottle at 6am and then 4 oz of water before 10 am. Considering the surgery wasn't until 3 pm, she was one hungry/ thirsty girl by the time she was in recovery (about 4:30 pm)

David had to wear scrubs as well in order to go in the OR with her. I thought they were pretty cute together!

Loved the little open back hospital gown. She got lots of compliments on her little bear slippers, perfect for the hospital, since they need to be wearing some kind of slipper/ socks.

All done! One of us was able to go into the recovery room so I took that role. She was a little fussy until I held her and was able to give her a bottle with water in it. After about 15 minutes they wheeled us out into the second recovery room where David was able to join us. We had to stay there for another hour so that they could make sure that all was well. She fussed around a little due to the discomfort of having her one hand all bandaged and covered up due to the IV, then she leaned into me and fell asleep. So sweet! She has a couple of tiny dissolving stiches that are covered up by a few little tape bandaids and that's it. We have to go back in a week for a follow up surgery and then it really is all over. Not that bad at all! I didn't cry or even feel emotional, it all just seemed so standard and fine. I think it helped that Sarah was happy the whole time as well, just a few tears.

Her little monitor on her big toe. Quite the experience. We're all glad that it's over and that everything went so well.
She was smiling and clapping on the car ride home and then walking around as if nothing happened. I gave her some water/ apple juice and cereal and then it was off to bed just before 7 pm. So we'll see if she sleeps through the night or wakes up hungry or in pain.
Thanks for your many prayers and thoughts today, they're much appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that everything went so well.

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