Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun with Family at the Falls

On Sunday afternoon we all headed out to the falls, as Michael has never been. We had a good time just walking around, checking out the sites and spending time together.

Sarah enjoyed walking in the leaves with auntie Rebecca

Sarah and my mom. We've been loving having my mom around and I know she's been having a pretty good time with the kids (us too).
After our falls outing we went to Tony Romas for all you can eat ribs. Eating at a restaurant with Sarah is not the easiest and more enjoyable experience, thank goodness for the extra help.

The newlyweds
Our growing family, our first meal at a restaurant with Calvin


Anonymous said...

It looks like you're having a great time with family.

I remember restaurant visits with our kids when they were little. I always really enjoyed them, I guess because our kids were always so well-behaved. Now that they're teens, it's a whole other story! lol

Anonymous said...

Your mom looks really good and I am sure she is having a great time out there with Sarah & Calvin.
Tammy Walker

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