Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bath Time for Calvin

It's funny how much bathing Sarah when she was a newborn intimidated me. For at least the first month David and I would always give her a bath together. It just didn't seem to be a one person job.

Well, three weeks later I have bathed Calvin by myself every time. It didn't scare me at all this time. David has evening classes most days of the week so I had to figure out bath and bed time with two kids right away. I'm pleased to say that it's actually gone really well. You can see in the above photo that Sarah always has to get right in there while I'm giving Calvin his bath.

Finally the other day David was home during bath time so I asked him to take a few photos since I am unable to give a baby a bath and take photos at the same time, just not that talented.

Calvin doesn't love getting a bath, but settles down pretty quickly and seems to enjoy it in the end.

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