Monday, January 17, 2011

The Story of your Life

Truth be told, it's been quite a long time since I heard an amazing captivating and challenging sermon. The kind that keeps your attention every minute (sometimes I think I have ADD when it comes to listening to sermons). Words that are so well spoken that you seem to keep going over them in your mind. The sermon that sparks amazing conversation throughout the car ride home and then again later the following day, etc. When I look back at my church going years I would say there are about five sermons that changed me, truly challenged me and encouraged me to live differently. I've heard a lot of good sermons in between those. Sometimes it's just he right words spoken at the right time. They are always honest and matter of fact. The "nice" feel good sermons are the ones I always forget and do nothing to my life. But those life changing ones, the ones that cause us to think differently and change how we're living are the ones that I hold on to.

Yesterday, we had a video sermon at church. I don't like video sermons. I always feel disappointment when I realize there is no preacher and instead we'll be watching a pre recorded sermon or series of clips. I suppose this is why a satellite chuch doesn't appeal to me at all. Anyways, yesterday's video sermon was wonderful! Once of those captivating, life changing/ challenging kinds of sermons. I suppose I won't give up all hope on video sermons quite yet. I'm not sure if it's where David and I are in life right now (the verge of major changes). Or the fact that we've just had our yearly big chat about the past year in review, goals for the following year, where we see ourselves headed in the next 5 years, etc (something we do each year in regards to marriage, family, spirituality, career, finances, travel, etc). Anyways, this message struck a chord with me.

The message was by the writer, Donald Miller. I had never heard of him before, but I think I will pick up one of his books. The message is all about story, our own narrative by God's design. Every good story has to have a character. All great stories have a character that has to overcome some kind of conflict and the character always wants somthing. We are living in our own story.

I REALLY encourage you to watch/ listen to the video! Below is the link to a similar talk he gave at Willow Creek Church (a huge church commonly known of out here). It's about a 1/2 hour, so make sure you have some time to sit down and listen.
You will need to type "Donald Miller" into the search box to bring up the correct message.

God put it in our hearts to want something. We have the freedom to please and honor God through our lives, actions, etc. It's what we want that makes the difference. What we want has to be ambitious, connected to love, sacrificial and relational. Are we living out our lifes with this in mind or are we just existing? We will all face conflict, lots of it! Every good story is full of conflict. Will we let it defeat us or make us stronger, bolder, interesting, compassionate, etc?

It seems that so many people blame their troubles/ conflicts on others or an issue in life. Whether it be upbringing, lack of financial resources, spouse, children, etc, people need to take responsibility for their own lives. God gave us the freedom of choice. If we're not living out meaningful lives, we are the only ones to blame.

I like one of the last things that Miller said, in order for us to be living out meaningful lives, we must have incredible fear. This struck me, since this is once again where I'm at. The thought of moving across the country or to a new country to a new city. Not knowing anyone, no friends, family, etc. Lonliness. Planning to add to our family not long after. A new career for David and a growing business for me. All while having two young and VERY busy children. How could I not be terrified? I'm excited for all the change ahead and look to it eagerly with anticipation but it still freaks me out.

It's a good fear. The kind that comes with new things. It reminds me of having our first child, the unknown, the birth, the newborn stage, etc, all scary. But the process has been amazing. Even the labor is amazing in its own way, I lived out and watched a miracle as each of our children were born. Change is never easy, but it brings new meaning to our lives. I have not grown through the joys in my life, I have grown through the conflicts and hard times.

David and I often say to each other how we never want fear to hold us back from something. Whether it be trying something new, risking our finances for what we feel God is calling us to, relationships, careers, etc. I have found that the more I don't give in to fear and let God lead the way, the easier it is to trust and the stronger my relationship to him is. One of the biggest by products is the joy that he continues to give me. I live a blessed life. Not an easy, always happy life, but a blessed one that I am truly thankful for.

So, did you watch the video message? I'd love to know what you thought.

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