Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Crush Time at the Winery

The end of September until mid November will always be a busy time for our family (as long as David is a winemaker). David works at Pacific Breeze Winery, which is an urban winery in New Westminster. Even though they don't have any of their own vineyards, there is just as much happening at the winery since all of the grapes are brought in to be sorted and crushed. Since this is David's first year as the actual winemaker, it's been a big learning curve with lots of responsibility. He's been loving the job and even comes home smiling at the end of a 15 hour day.

On Sunday morning I took the kids into the winery while David was working. I had to take some staff photos and since we didn't have any childcare, the kids came along.

Loving the fork lift as always.

Working with the grapes. The kids found this all very interesting; it was good for them to see what daddy's work is.

We're looking to the end of the 2011 harvest/ crush time at the winery. All of the grapes have arrived, been sorted and processed. Now it's just working with all the juice and getting it going. I must admit that I'm really looking forward to having David around more. Just over a week until our due date. And of course, as David's busy time at work comes to an end mine with Christmas cards is just starting up.

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