Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

Yesterday we celebrated Canada Day by spending the morning at Fort George in Niagara on the Lake, something that we've done that last couple of years. The kids loved running around and exploring all the old buildings. Calvin was a big fan of the cannons, he kept putting his face right up to the end of them. We then headed to NOTL where we went to Simcoe park for the Canada Day celebrations and some playground time. That will probably be our last visit to Niagara on the Lake, kind of sad. We really have loved that little town and it will be one of the places that we miss when we move away from Ontario. I forgot my camera, so no pics today.

We found out today that the house that we were hoping to rent didn't work out. It was a little disappointing but also a reminder that God has everything in control. So we're continuing to look for "the place" the God has in store. We would love to end up in the Walnut Grove area of Langley, everything is just so... expensive.

Matt and Libby arrive on Monday and we leave for New York City on Tuesday morning. Time just seems to be flying by! I feel like there's a lot to get done before Tuesday but in the end I know that it will all work out, always does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niagara on the Lake was one of our favorite places when we visited Ontario last summer.

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