Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Copy Cat

Sarah had become quite the little copy cat. I feel like she's always checking out what we're saying or doing to figure out what she should say or do next.

Here are a few examples:

-When I've had to run to the bathroom to throw up (often during breakfast), I can hear her making vomit noises (just like me) from her high chair. David even picked up on this the other day, sounds disgusting. Wish she would stop that but at least she just does it when I'm heaving or throwing up.

-Sarah has noticed that daddy kisses mommy. Whenever I'm holding Sarah and David leans in to give me a kiss, she watches us and then opens her mouth and plants one on David (not exactly what I do) ha ha.

-When I was at the deli the other day I asked for some ham, she immediately called out "ham"

-When I was driving last week and said out loud that I needed to turn left, she yelled out "left"

-Whatever we eat, she wants to eat too, right away!

-When we clap, she claps and when we laugh she laughs

-This has also turned into a little game. We make a sound and she copies it (she can make a lot of different noises already!), now we just have to turn those noises into words

She continues to provide lots of entertainment and is walking everwhere, so much fun! She really is quite the little clown!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the scary thing about kids. They are always watching you and mimicking everything you do and say. This becomes much more of a challenge the older they get! lol

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