Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lauren is 5 Months

She's 5 months already, just one more month and she'll be half way to one year old. Seriously, it's crazy how fast time is going by these days! I feel like little Lauren was just born and before we know it she'll be on the move.

Lauren loves laying on her tummy and is able to inch her way forward and backward. She also loves rolling, making diaper changes not so easy anymore. This is also the age (remembering back to our other two as well) when she's constantly rolling over or moving around in her crib. This makes nap and bedtime more challenging, often taking much longer than normal to get her to fall asleep. Oh well, I know it's just a stage, even if it can be fairly frustrating some days.

She continues to be a very happy little girl with lots of smiles and giggles, especially for her big sister.

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