Thursday, July 8, 2010

Babies in Restaurants?

This morning while reading the National Post, I read an article about a family in Ottawa that went to an upscale restaurant/ wine bar and were told that they weren't permitted to have their baby in the restaurant. As the restaurant has a no babies policy. The family was incredibly upset and now the story is all over the news. They have now submitted a discrimination complaint to the human rights Tribunal of Ontario.

Personally, I'm totally ok with restaurants having a no baby policy. We take our kids to restaurants on occasion, and it isn't a great time for us, not to mention the people sitting next to us. But that's why we go to buffet and family friendly restaurants. I totally understand why upscale restaurants wouldn't want babies/ tots to be welcome. The noise, the carseats/ strollers, space for a change table and the MESS. When we had kids I knew that our life would change. The way I see it is that this would just be one of those changes. If people want to go to that type of restaurant, then get a baby-sitter. If the baby is too young to be left with a sitter, then you just can't go. What's a couple of months anyways. The restaurant couldn't say babies only 0-2 months, that would be ridiculous! The restaurant is taking the risk of possibly losing some business from families but possibly gaining business from people who don't want to be around babies/ kids while they eat.

"The arguments for and against the no-baby policy have often represented a clash of entitlements. Much of the discussion has centred on the Ontario Human Rights Code, which allows recreational clubs to restrict services in some cases."

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject! Do you think restaurants should be able to have a no babies policy in place? This should be interesting.

Want to read the article? Here's the link,


Laesa said...

Hi, Sheri!

I just HAD to comment on this one! Before I even had anyone else's input (ie - I had just read your first paragraph), I was already getting strong feelings about this. I love the idea of a restaurant that has a no-kid/baby rule. When Brian and I get a babysitter to go out to dinner, it isn't the same when there's a baby at the next table. Honestly, it's so healthy for couples to go out without their kids - it keeps (our marriage at least) healthy, and give a much-needed break. If every restaurant catered to kids, then where would the retreat be? I think our culture feels entitled to too many things - we're honestly spoiled rotten (me, included). Yeah to the restaurant who said, "no"!

PS - Duke of Dublin in Abbotsford is baby and child-free (although fairly expensive, too!!).


Julie W. said...

I agree with you Shari! As we are well acquainted with restaurants with being on vacation I spend most of the time in the restaurant on edge not enjoying the experience b/c of Landon's tantrums, need to yell "hi" to everyone and throw food. I feel like I need to yell a big apology to everyone who came without kids b/c their relaxing time away was interrupted by our son. Also when Dave and I go out just the two of us I get up tight hearing other children screaming b/c I'm finally getting a break just the two of us and often feel if we can get a sitter why can't they?! Just my thoughts :)

Jackie Buitelaar said...

I don't understand why they would even want to go out to such a restaurant with a baby. Seriously! I would not take Adrianna when she was a baby, much less now to ANY restaurant (minus fast food kind) if I can help it. It's such a horrible experience for me and for others that why bother. This is a season (hopefully it goes by quickly), eat with kids were it is kid-friendly, leave them at home if you would like to enjoy something else. On the very few occasions we did take Adri out we try to hit a fairly kid-friendly restaurant between lunch and dinner. All I know is that if I am out to a nice restaurant the last thing I want is to be "entertained" by someone else's baby/toddler.

Diane said...

I'm with you Shari. Vic & I usually go to nice restaurants now that we are empty-nesters. I am very disturbed by having kids at a table near us.

The last time we were at Earl's a family with a noisy toddler sat down near us just after we had ordered. I was dreading the rest of the dinner, but when the couple couldn't get their daughter to settle down, they left without ordering much to our relief.

This is an issue I feel very strongly about. I think that restaurant deserves a medal for being up-front and honest and stating where they stand.


Merry said...

100% agree with you Shari! When Dustin & I feel we need a night out at a nice restaurant, we get a sitter. When we want to go out as a family, we pick family-friendly places. I don't see what the big deal is, people are whiners :)

Anonymous said...

I am so the opposite, we have been taking our child to resturants since she was just 6 weeks old. If she was has been taught about appropriate behavior in restaurants, we always take crayons, ect with us and sometimes her DVD player with headphones if dinner will be long. Both my hubby and I work long hours and when we finally get a chance to go out we do it as a family. She is 5 now so we find it very easy...when she was 9 months old to about 2 years we kept our meals to off hours to ensure we could keep the noise to a min.

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