Friday, February 6, 2009

An Obsession with Icicles

For some reason I have always loved icicles. Perhaps it goes back to when we were kids and my brothers and I would carefully take them off the edge of the roofs and lick them... gross! Or we would smash them on the ground. Ever used an icicle as a sword... they don't last long. I think I just like the way the look, so pretty and wintery.
Anyways, I feel like I notice icicles everywhere I go. It's to the point that we'll be driving along, and I'm constantly saying, "did you see that one?" or "check out those amazing icicles." Well the other day this beauty (in the above pic) formed at the corner of the front of our house. Even David commented on it and said we needed to get some photos of it. I think I will need to take our camera and go on an icicle hunt.

Took these pictures yesterday. Yep, it's still very white here.

And another one. The best is when there are a whole bunch of icicles at various lengths. Ohh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love icicles too. There's something so fairytale-ish about them.

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