Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Seeking Advice on Eastern Canada

Once David is finished exams we are planning on going on a road trip down through the US to (possibly New York), Boston, up along the Maine caost, through New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and back through Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa and back home. We have always wanted to see Eastern Canada and the coast of Maine, so we're both really excited about this trip.
I know it seems a little odd to be planning this trip since we have yet to go on our Caribbean cruise (just 18 days away!). However, I always find that any self guided trip (ie. road trips, backpacking, etc) take a lot of planning if you want to be sure that you see and do all the things that you want. When we backpacked Europe this was so true. I booked all our accomodations, rail, air, etc before we had left Canada and the trip was so smooth and stress free (not to mention arguement free). So I am once again planning this trip in the same way. Nothing beats the peace of mind of always having an idea of where you're going and staying, especially with a little one.

I am wondering if people that have been in any of the places that I mentioned would mind sharing great places that they stayed (clean, reasonably priced, etc). Any info on great drives and attractions would also be wonderful. If it's easier to e-mail me directlly feel free at Thanks so much! I can't think of many people that I know that have been to these places, but you never know. I also took out a bunch of travel books from the library, so they've been a great help already. Yesterday we got Sarah's passport stuff all in order so it feels good to have that done. We didn't even know that she needed one, so it's a good thing that we got it all figured out in time. As I look out the window and see the snow falling and the ground covered, it feels great to know that we'll be in warm weather on sandy beaches in a matter of 18 days. We are blessed indeed!


Anonymous said...

I wish I had some great travel advice for you, but that's a part of the country I've yet to see. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Shari!

In '06 I visited Boston, Cape Cod & Martha's Vineyard. I don't have much advise to offer, other than Boston is an AMAZING city and I would go back in a heartbeat. We rented a room in a traditional Brownstone. I do not remember how much we paid for it, but I remember it was reasonable and it was awesome to stay in an authentic Brownstone and really "feel" Boston :P I visited Harvard which was very cool and the MFA, among other places. You may not have the time, but if you do, Cape Cod & Martha's Vineyard were beautiful and full of interesting adventures, local artists and endless beaches. Anyhoo, there's my two cents!

Take care & have fun!


PS - I have a Boston photo album on my Facebook.

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