Monday, September 8, 2008

All over that Crib!

These days when I go to get Sarah after hearing her up from her nap she's never in the same position. Now that she's teething in a major way, this seems to be one of her favourite positions. Not sure what's on the wood, but it must taste great since she's always got her mouth wrapped around one of the rails. After seeing her arm wrapped around the top this day, I thought it was time to pull the rail up.
Being so long, Sarah often has issues keeping her body in her crib. I'm thinking that it may be a good idea to put the other bumper pad on. She's never a happy girl when her limbs are hanging out of her crib and I often have to go adjust her in the night or during nap time.
Sarah loves spending time in her Baby Einstein Activity Centre. This was a gift from one of my students back at home. I feel like I have been able to get so much painting and unpacking done while she sits and plays in here. Thanks again Matthew and the Klassens!

Having a baby is a funny thing. I felt like I read so many books, heard lots of advice, etc. But in the end you just have to do things the way that works for you and your baby. If those public health nurses only knew, whoah, would I be scolded. Sarah slept on her tummy after being a month old (by far her favourite sleeping position), has bumper pads on her crib, often cuddles with a blanket while sleeping, slept on a sheet on the open living room floor for a week, has been licked by our dog on the face (more than once), perhaps I'll stop there.
I'm not trying to say that I'm careless by any means. I've just learned to relax and let life happen as it does. There seems to be too much pressure and "right" ways of doing things, at least that's the impression that I got when we first had Sarah. Sometimes babies just cry, because they're babies, and that's ok. We certainly don't have it all figured out, but it feels good to know that we're figuring our little one out... at least for now.
Life is good, I truly can't complain. I've got a loving husband and beautiful baby girl. God has truly blessed me indeed.


Ana said...

I totally agree, you have to do what's best for you and your baby!

How's the painting going? Almost done?
Love Andrea

Anonymous said...

It's funny how many 'rules' there are about babies (and kids in general) and yet every baby is different so how can a parent expect to follow all the 'rules'. Sounds like you're doing a terrific job figuring it all out in your own way.

KPetrie said...

Can I call you "super mom"? :)

Anonymous said...

Amen Shari. Chloe Sleeps on her side, not her back, she has blankets in her bed with her....and once we're done the nursery - there WILL be bumper pads. I wouldn't even let the public health nurse come over when we came home. Haha - they seemed a tad miffed.

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