Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yellowstone National Park

Yesterday we decided to really enjoy the journey and spend the day at Yellowstone National park. It was a lovely drive to, through and from the park.

We saw some wildlife.

We watched Old Faithful erupt. Very cool, always wanted to see that.

Our family in front of Old Faithful (too bad we're right in front of the geyser).

Who saw a wild buffalo? WE DID!!!

Driving through Montana in the evening was truly beautiful. Once it was dark there was a lightning storm just beyond the mountains, lighting up the whole range.

After a lot of driving and a difficult time finding a place to sleep, we spent the night in Missoula, Montana. Since all of hotels we stopped at were booked up we found a cheaper motel and all shared a king sized bed for the night. Another one for the memory books. Yet another late night (once we found our place all my card orders were finished up for the night), and another early morning.

And we're off...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't Yellowstone amazing? We've taken our kids there twice.

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