Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Little Miss Domestic

Remember that post about Sarah cleaning up and watching everything that we do? Well, she seems to think that her little "corn popper" is also a vacuum cleaner. Whenever I finish vacuuming she takes her popper and "vacuum" the carpets. She goes back and forth to the corners of the room. She even puts her foot over the wheel and tries to press down, just like how I turn on/ off the vacuum. It's just so sweet!

Today when I pulled out the vacuum and started vacuuming she immediately picked up her popper and started "vacuuming" alongside me. The camera was handy so I attempted to get a clip of her being domestic. These are the moments that make me smile, the ones that I'm eager to share with David at the end of the day when he comes home from school.

For the past few days Sarah's been having some jealous moments when Calvin is awake and needing me, usually when I'm nursing him. She is a complete delight when it's just the two of us and then as soon as Calvin wakes up from his nap she becomes "not very nice." She is also very loving towards him, so this is kind of odd. I can tell that she's just missing "our" time together. Thankfully Calvin has good naps so I am able to almost always get a good chunk of time with just Sarah each day. Let's up she gets over this sooner than later, since the not nice moments just aren't very fun to deal with.


Anonymous said...

Cherish those domestic moments! Believe me, when she gets to be a teenager trying to get her to vacuum might be like pulling teeth.

As for the jealousy, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Calvin's still pretty new to your family and it takes the oldest child a little while to figure out what their role is once there's a younger sibling sharing the spotlight. It sounds like you're doing a good job of helping Sarah to still feel special by spending quality time with her on her own.

Melanie said...

Super cute! And she's multi-tasking just like you too! (Drinking at the same time!) :)

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