Friday, September 18, 2009

In Business News

I thought I would write a little update on my new little business. Things are going good. I'm excited to say that I had my 100th order this week, yahoo! This is a pretty big deal for me since it's only been a few months and only two of those orders are from people that I acutally know. I've now had customers in every province, which is also pretty cool; many repeat customers already and more and more referrals.

I am learning tons and often find myself thinking of new layouts, combos, etc that I could create and post. I'm thankful for photoshop tutorials online that I have had to access a few times already to figure something out. I love the challenge! It would be nice to take a course or have someone show me some tips. However, I haven't found any relevant courses in the area, and everything I've wanted to know I've been able to figure out so far.

I've been getting quite a few wedding thank you card orders, which has been really fun. I love seeing everybody's beautiful photos, it's like a peek into their lives. I've also had several requests from small businesses wanting to wholesale my cards. Yikes! I've decided to shy away from this (at least for now) and just focus on my own site, customers, and designs. I really don't like the idea of having a middle man to always have to go between, not to mention the added effort with less pay off. Oh well, it's been interesting anyways.

I've also made a few more connections with photographers across Canada, which has been exciting for me. I love being able to use their professional photos in my work and the potential advertising is awesome. I look forward to adding more in that area on my site in the near future.

At the moment I'm trying out a few different advertising ideas, so I'm curious to see how those turn out and which ones will equal results. This week almost all my orders have been referrals, that's super encouraging for me since it means that people are happy with the service, products and prices!

Anyways, that's about it for now. Thank you to so many of you who have been so encouraging with all this. I have really appreciated your kind words and thoughts. I'm always up for hearing advice and tips. I've got a long way to go; I feel like I'm just scratching the surface at the moment.


Jackie Buitelaar said...

You are such an entrepreneur! 100 orders is an incredible start. Before you know it it will be a 1000. Glad you are finding someway to apply your creative talent. I just need some pictures that for our Christmas card before I place my order...

Anonymous said...

I just think you're a genius! I've been frequenting your site the last couple of weeks trying to decide which one of your Christmas card layouts I want to use for my cards this year. :)

Anika Lacerte | The Handcrafted Story said...

If you want to learn more Photoshop, I highly recommend You can try it for a month and have access to all their online videos.

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