Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Sick little girl

Last night Sarah woke up after only sleeping for about 45 minutes. This is strange since she normally doesn't wake up until between 6:30-7:30am. She didn't sound well so I picked her up, walked out of her room and she threw up. Poor girl! She woke up then at 7:45 and then every 45 minutes until midnight. I fed her a little at midnight and then put her down, and then she didn't wake until 7:30.

This morning she threw up two more times as well. So she seems to have an upset stomach as well as a runny nose. Today she's been sleeping lots but has remained happy and playful during her awake times. This is the first time that she has been sick, I suppose there's a first for everything.
So I had to add this photo. This is Sarah this morning, her first crusty snotty nose (it was David's idea to take the photo). Yes, we are indeed into documenting everything. As you can see, she's still a very happy girl, despite having a runny nose and a sore tummy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, it's always hard when your child is sick. Even though my girls are teenagers, I still get all worried and stressed when they're sick. I suppose that comes with being a mom.

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